【新课标公开课】人教八下 Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks. SectionB 2a

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【新课标公开课】人教八下 Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks. SectionB 2a

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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks. SectionB 2a-2e课时教学设计课型 阅读课 课时 1教材分析本课主要学习有关志愿服务的表达方式,话题对接中国学生发展核心素养中的“社会参与”之“责任担当”素养中“社会责任”一项,要求学生能够热心公益和志愿服务。在本课中,通过阅读“小狗Lucky”的故事,可以引导学生讨论关心、帮助残疾人的不同办法、手段,向社会施以爱心。2a为读前热身活动,目的在于激活学生思维,诱发学生的阅读欲望及脑海中的图式;2b要求学生快速浏览文章并回答问题;2c侧重阅读策略及语言细节的挖掘;2d侧重文章的细节理解;2e则是典型的读后活动,要求学生根据课文中引申出的话题,结合已有的背景知识发表自己的观点。教师还应注意突出词性对词义的影响,引导学生尝试利用词性推导词义。学情分析通过前面的听、看、说、读活动,学生已经掌握了一定的有关志愿服务、关爱援助的词汇和提建议句型,具备了一定的听、看、说、读技能,对本单元所涉及到的语法知识也有所了解。本课的阅读文本是一封书信,学生对于其语篇基本结构有所了解。在平时的学习中,部分学生只注重单词的词义不注重词性的记忆,借本课阅读策略的渗透,可提醒学生注意改进。课时教学目标语言能力:能够在以“小狗Lucky”为主线的情境中正确使用课文中的新词汇,增加词汇量;通过略读、跳读、利用词性推导词义等阅读策略促进自己的语篇理解能力。 学习能力:能够通过阅读有关“小狗Lucky”的故事,提高英语学习兴趣;通过阅读策略的感悟、体验和学习,提升阅读理解能力;通过小组合作,提升合作能力和探究能力。 思维品质:能够在老师的帮助下,通过参与判断、排序、思维导图、角色扮演等活动,提高思维的逻辑性、批判性和创新性。 文化意识:能够在老师的帮助下,通过参与思维导图、课堂讨论等活动,提高思维的逻辑性、批判性和创新性。教学重难点教学重点:掌握本课时重点词汇和句型;学习利用略读、跳读、利用词性推导词义等阅读策略促进自己的语篇理解能力。 教学难点:了解词性对理解句子的重要性,利用词性推导词义,促进语篇理解能力的提高。教学方法情境式教学,任务型教学法:启发式教学教学工具PPT课件,多功能白板,教案设 计 教 学 过 程教师导学 学生活动 设计意图Step1: Lead-in 观看视频讨论What do you think of these athletes Although they are disabled people, they never give up. 导入In daily life, the disabled people may have some difficulties.Who can help them 观看视频获得答案并继续讨论What can a special trained dog help to do When the disabled people get help, how can they thank others?进而展示本课内容-一封信。 Step2: Pre-reading Look at the picture and guess. What's the matter with the man What's the relationship between the dog and the man What may the letter talk about A. People like dogs. B. Dogs are our friends. C. The story of a disabled man and his dog. Step3: While-reading 1.Skimming: 1). The letter is from __________ to ________. 2). What kind of letter is it A. A business letter B. A thank-you letter C. An introduction letter 2.Scanning: 1).Read the passage quickly and match. 2)How is the letter organized 3)Match the main idea with each paragraph. 3.Finish 2b. 4.Careful reading 1)Read Para 1 and finish the mind map. 2).Read Para. 2 and fill in the blanks. Retell Para. 2. You can start like this: Ben can’t use his arms or legs well. He has trouble ... 3).Read para. 3 and fill in the card below. 4)Read Para 4 carefully and finish the tasks. What does Ben think of Lucky Why does Ben want to thank Miss Li again What else will Ben do to thank Miss Li What do you think of Lucky? Step4:After reading 1.Language points 4.Summary 1).Phrases summary 2).Finish 2c&2d 3)Summarize the article. 3.Finish 2e 4.Conclusion: Animals are our good friends. They help us a lot. We should get on well with them. 观看视频表达对奥运会上的残疾人的看法,思考残疾人在日常中可能遇到的困难,谁可以帮助残疾人,残疾人怎样表达感谢等引出感谢信。 观察标题和图片并回答问题,猜测本文主题内容。 skimming略读找出写信人和收信人,以及信的类型。并分析总结感谢信的结构。 Scanning跳读找出文章出现的任务名称及他们的主要事迹。并找出文章结构特点。匹配段落大意。 读第一段完成思维导图。 读第二段填空并复述。 阅读第三段填写信息卡。 阅读第四段回答问题。 将知识点做好笔记进行理解消化。 跟随老师一起进行内容总结。 完成课本任务。 根据思维导图复述文章。 如何评价文章两位主人公。 利用视频,引出本课主题,引导学生思考并头脑风暴,在思考的过程中自然的感知目标语言,激发学生学习兴趣。 通过视频,生动呈现了一只导盲犬在生活中是如何帮助主人的事情,丰富学生视野,增加学生背景知识的积累,导入本课话题。 通过观察图片和理解标题,对文章作了初步理解,这是重要的阅读策略。 通过问题引导学生运用信件的语篇知识来获取文章基本信息,搞清人物关系、写作目的和整体结构,对文章有整体认识。 学生在对课文内容形成初步期待后,快速浏览课文,把握每段大意。 带着问题,认真地阅读短文,抓住细节,理清文章脉络,在较短的时间内,找到答案。 通过思维导图的引导,帮助学生理顺文章中出现的人、物联系;再利用思维导图进行完整句的输出,达到巩固所学语言的目的。 通过不同类型的问题,引导学生细读课文,获取细节信息,并感知作者的写作策略,同时,在语境中进行生词处理。 利用问题引导学生进一步思考,发散学生的思维,层层递进,进行深度阅读。 此部分是对本单元重点语言点的总结、训练和巩固。 回归课本练习,聚焦文展内容进行适当拓展练习,培养学生的思维能力。 通过总结巩固本节课所学的重点词汇和语言知识,检测学生的掌握程度。 思维导图辅助学生梳理文章结构脉络。 在理解文章意思的基础上,进一步思考总结Lucky的特性,以及还有哪些动物可以帮助到人们,尤其是残疾人的哪些方面。对文章内容进行深层次的挖掘。 总结升华主题,引导学生认识到生命的价值在于给予而不是得到,以及树立其保护动物、感恩帮助、珍惜彼此的意识。课时教学板书设计Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks. Section B 2a-2e课时作业设计Level A:Imagine you meet Ben Smith in the street and have a talk with him. Make a conversation between you and Mr. Smith. Level B:Write a short passage to tell“the change of Ben’s life”.课后反思(实施后填写)21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)(共40张PPT)人教新目标版 八年级下Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks.SectionB 2a-2e 阅读公开课Learning objectives1掌握本课时重点词汇和句型:let; out; blind; deaf; disabled; make a difference; set up 等。2. 通过阅读训练, 学会如何向别人表示感谢。使学生理解故事情节并能对文章进行进一步解读。3.通过辩证思考,能够对慈善有一定的认识,培养同理他人、关心他人的品质。4.培养自己热心公益事业,爱护动物的优良品质。。tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSSWarming-uptttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSome of them are blind.Some of them are deaf.Some can’t walk .Some can’t use their hands easily.......What do you think of these athletes Although they are disabled people, they never give up.tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSSWho can help them In daily life, the disabled people may have some difficulties.A special trained dog.tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSScross the roadcarry thingsopen or close doorstake out the rubbishWhat can a special trained dog help to do Special trained dogs make a big difference to disabled people.tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSSWhen the disabled people get help,how can they thank others?call and give thankssend giftswrite a lettersend Wechat messageswrite a lettertttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSSHe can’t walk./He is disabled.1. What's the matter with the man The man is the dog’s owner.2. What's the relationship between the dog and the man 3. What may the letter talk about A. People like dogs.B. Dogs are our friends.C. The story of a disabled man and his dog.Look at the picture and guess.PredictiontttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSS1. The letter is from __________ to ________.2. What kind of letter is it A. A business letterB. A thank-you letterC. An introduction letterSalutation(称呼)收信人Signature Block(签名区)写信人Ben SmithMiss LiWe can find the purpose of the text at the beginning or the end of the letter.SkimmingtttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSSDear Miss Li,Best wishes,Ben SmithI’d like to thank you for givingmoney to Animal Helpers.Thank you again for changingmy life.The format(格式)of a thank-you letterA thank-you lettertttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSSAnimalHelpersMiss LiLuckyBen Smitha group giving help to disabled peoplea special trained dog for disabled peoplea kind woman giving money to Animal Helpersa disabled man who can’t use arms or legs well1.Read the passage quickly and match.Who are they ScanningtttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSS2. How is the letter organized 12341234A阅读策略:中心句可以帮助我们了解文章大意B2134tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSS3.Match the main idea with each paragraph.Ben has difficulies doing normal things and wants to have a dog helper.Thanks Miss Li for giving money to Animal Helpers.Ben will send a photo of Lucky to Miss Li and thanks her again.Ben feels lucky to have Lucky.para2para3para4para1tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSS1. What kind of letter is it 2. Who wrote the letter to Miss Li Why 3. What did Miss Li do Read the letter and answer the questions.Ben Smith. Because he wanted to thank her (for giving money to Animal Helpers and tell her how Animal Helpers helped him).It’s a thank-you letter.2bShe gave some money to Animal Helpers.n. 女士;小姐tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSSWhile-readingDear Miss Li,I’d like to thank you for giving money to Animal Helpers. I'm sure you know that this group was set up to help disabled people like me. You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky. Lucky makes a big difference to my life. Let me tell you my story.因······而感谢你(们);for后面跟动词-ing作宾语。把某物给某人 give sth. to sb. =give sb. sth. 当 sth.是代词时,只能用前者。中心句set up 建立;设立; (此处为被动语态 )make it + adj. + to do sth. 使做...使变得...make a difference 影响;有作用引出下文let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事。tell sb. sth.=tell sth. to sb. 告诉某人某事。Careful readingRead para1 carefully and finish the tasks.tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSSMiss Ligave moneyAnimal HelperstrainedLuckyBenmakes a differencethankedPara. 1Read Para 1 and finish the mind map.tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSSWhile-readingWhat would it be like to be blind or deaf Or imagine you can’t walk or use your hands easily. Most people would never think about this, but many people have these difficulties. I can’t use my arms or legs well, so normal things like answering the telephone, opening and closing doors, or carrying things are difficult for me. Then one day last year, a friend of mine helped me out. She talked to Animal Helpers about getting me a special trained dog. She also thought a dog might cheer me up. I love animals and I was excited about the idea of having a dog.blind adj. 瞎的;失明的deaf adj. 聋的v. 想象difficulty n. 困难;难题get sb. sth. 让某人得到某物be excited about 对······感到兴奋Careful readingRead para2 carefully and finish the tasks.tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSSRead Para. 2 and fill in the blanks.Being or .can’t or hands easilythe telephonethingsthe doorget a dog, Ben.blinddeafwalkuseansweropen/closecarrytrainedcheer upDisabled peopleBen’s difficultiesFriend’s helpPara. 2tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSSRetell Para. 2. You can start like this:Ben can’t use his arms or legs well. He has trouble ...Ben can’t use his arms or legs well. He has trouble answering the telephone, opening and closing doors,or carrying things. One of his friends wanted to get a special trained dog from Animal Helpers to cheer Ben up.A possible versiontttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSSWhile-readingAfter six months of training with a dog at Animal Helpers, I was able to bring him home. My dog’s name is Lucky — a good name for him because I feel very lucky to have him. You see, I’m only able to have a “dog helper” because of your kindness! Lucky is very clever and understands many English words. He can understand me when I give him orders. For example, I say, “Lucky! Get my book,” and he does it at once.n. 训练;培训be able to 能够n. 仁慈;善良adj. 聪明的;聪颖的v. 理解;领会order n. 指令;命令立刻;马上Careful readingRead para3 carefully and finish the tasks.tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSSRead para. 3 and fill in the card below.Name: _____________From: _____________Owner: _____________Training Period(时长): ________Abilities: He can _________ someEnglish words and hisowner’s _______.LuckyAnimal HelpersBen Smith6 monthsunderstandordersWhy did Ben name the dog Lucky Because he feelsvery lucky to havethe dog.tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSSLucky is a fantastic dog. I’ll send you a photo of him if you like, and I could show you how he helps me. Thank you again for changing my life.Best wishes,Ben SmithWhile-readingchange v. 变化;改变change one’s life 改变某人的生活send sb. sth. 给某人寄某物If 引导的条件状语从句(主将从现)宾语从句呼应开头Careful readingRead para4 carefully and finish the tasks.tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSS1.What does Ben think of Lucky 2.Why does Ben want to thank Miss Li again 3.What else will Ben do to thank Miss Li 4. What do you think of Lucky?Lucky is a fantastic dog.Because Miss Li helped Ben get the dog Lucky, and Luckychanged his life.Ben will send a photo of Lucky to Miss Li. And he could alsoshow Miss Li how lucky helps him.It is clever,helpful and fantastic...Read Para 4 carefully and finish the tasks.tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSS1. I’m sure you know that this group was set up to help disabled people like me. (教材P14 2b)disabled作形容词,the disable意为“残疾人”,表示复数概念。disabled adj. 丧失能力的;有残疾的Language pointsHe was born disabled but he didn’t give up.I worked as a volunteer to help the disabled.【拓展延伸】 一些词加否定前缀dis-可以构成它的反义词,如:agree (同意) — disagree (不同意)appear (出现) — disappear (消失)honest (诚实的) — dishonest (不诚实的)PointtttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSS2. You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky. (教材P14 2b)该结构中it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式短语。make it + adj. + for sb. to do sth. 使做某事对某人来说……PointLanguage pointsHis help makes it easy for me to learn English.【拓展延伸】除make外,常用于这种结构的还有think, find等。I think it useful for us to master a foreign language.We find it difficult for us to finish this task by ourselves.tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSS3. Or imagine you can’t walk or use your hands easily. (教材P14 2b)imagine 作动词,一般不用于进行时。其用法如下。imagine v. 想象;设想Point【拓展延伸】imagination 作名词,意为“想象力;想象”。imagineimagine+名词/代词想象……imagine (sb.) doing sth. 想象(某人)做某事imagine+从句 想象Can you imagine life without electricity She couldn’t imagine living in a place like that.Can you imagine that we could build a beautiful city with rubbish tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSS4. I can’t use my arms or legs well, so normal things like answering the telephone, opening and closing doors, or carrying things are difficult for me. (教材P14 2b)carry v. 拿;提;扛Point【易混辨析】 carry, take, bring与getcarry 拿; 提; 扛 没有方向性,具有负重的含义,表示搬运;携带。take 拿走; 带走 指把人或物从说话者所在的地方带到别处。有方向性。bring 拿来; 带来 指把人或物从别的地方带到说话者所在的地方。有方向性get 去取; 去拿 指到某地去把某人或某物带来或拿来。表示来回。tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSSHe was carrying a big bag.Mark often takes his books to Beth’s house to study.Don’t forget to bring it here.Can you go and get some water for us bring 拿来carry搬,扛take 拿走get去拿来tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSS5. I love animals and I was excited about the idea of having a dog. (教材P14 2b)这是一个固定短语,后接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。be excited about doing sth. = be excited to do sth. 意为“做某事感到兴奋”。be excited about 对……感到兴奋Point【拓展延伸】 excited 与excitingAre you excited about the new work place Jack was excited about traveling there by plane.(= Jack was excited to travel there by plane.)excited 表示“感到兴奋的”,常用来修饰人。exciting 表示”令人兴奋的“,常用来说明事物。tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSSCheck the phrases因...而感谢建立,设立使得某人有可能……对...产生巨大影响想象做某事做某事有困难帮某人走出困境对...感到兴奋能够做某事因为立刻thank you for doing sthset upmake it possible for sb. to do sth.make a big difference toimagine doing sthhave difficulty (in) doing sth.help sb outbe excited aboutbe able to do sthbecause ofat oncePhrases summarytttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSSUnderstanding parts of speechKnowing what part of speech a word is ( noun, verb, preposition, etc.) can help you understand the word’s meaning.Reading Strategynoun ( n. ) 名词 verb (v. ) 动词preposition (pre. ) 介词 adjective (adj.) 形容词adverb (adv. ) 副词 pronoun (pron. ) 代词tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSSLook at the list of words below. Circle the part of speech of each word and make your own sentences with these words.2c1. group ( adj. / n. ) _________________________________________2. disabled ( adj. / adv. ) _____________________________________3. difference ( adv. / n. ) _____________________________________4. imagine ( v. / n. ) ________________________________________A group of students are going to Shenzhen.We should help the disabled children.There are some differences between my friend and me.Close your eyes and imagine you are in a forest.tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSS5. difficulties ( n. / adj. ) _______________________________________6. normal ( adv./ adj. ) _________________________________________7. training ( adv. / n. ) _________________________________________8. kindness ( n. / v. ) __________________________________________We’ve run into difficulties with the new project.It’s normal to feel nervous before an exam.They haven’t finished the training.She always treats others with kindness.tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSS2dUse the information in the letter to make true sentences by matching the different parts.SUBJECTMiss LiBen SmithLuckyAnimal HelpersVERBcan gettrainssentwroteOBJECTa letter to Miss Li.money to Animal Helpers.animals like Lucky.things for disabled people.主语谓语宾语tttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSS引入主题(Para. 1)叙述故事(Para. 2-3)呼应开头(Para. 4)· Lucky makes a big difference to my life.(主题句)· Let me tell you my story.(引出下文)· I can’t use my arms or legs well; normal things are difficultfor me.· a friend of mine helped me out· I brought Lucky home; Lucky is very clever and understandsmany English words; He can understand me when I give himorders· Lucky is a fantastic dog.· Thank you again for changing my lifeSummarytttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSSDiscuss the questions with a partner.In what other ways do you think dogs are able to help people 2. What other animals can we train to help people Dogs can help look after the house and the sheep. They can be friends of us.They can protect people from danger.Old horses canPigeons canDolphins canElephants canPigs canknow the waysend letterssave people in the seacarry things for peoplesmell the illness of people2etttyttytygghhhgggdsdsfrgSETTYSSSSSSSSSSSSSAnimals are our good friends.They help us a lot.We should get on well with them.https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php






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